Blog: Your Worst Nightmare Here in El Paso?

Your Worst Nightmare Here in El Paso?

Written by RMPersonnel on 02/01/2019.



If it were your flesh and blood; your daughter, your niece, or your grandchild, you would!  They are somebody’s daughters, nieces, and grandchildren.  Girls, boys; the younger the better.  Maybe from a family you know.  Anyone is a target; anyone can become a victim.  The lonely, the poor, the mentally ill, the desperate.

They are lured away from schools, friends, and family by false promises of fun and glamour but instead of fame and glory, they get trapped in a powerful and far reaching 150 billion world-wide industry of horror.  Right here in El Paso, our children are forced into child labor and sex slavery never to see their family and loved ones again.  Yes, it is human trafficking.  300,000 victims just in Texas, 20.9 million worldwide.  55% are women and girls, 26% children.

Our team of 40 at RMPersonnel of El Paso has stopped, read, wept, and now we are acting together to make a difference. So, in support of the Hope Movement the week of January 28th and the Paso del Norte Center of HOPE, we are donating to the effort to stop human trafficking and calling on every one of you to do the same.  Send this post to everyone you know and let’s change some lives!

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