Blog: 5 tips to Ace your job interview

5 tips to Ace your job interview

Written by RMPersonnel on 08/21/2018.


You’ve surfed the web, found an advertisement for the job of your dreams, sent in your resume and landed an interview. If you happened to get this far it means that the company is interested in hearing you. This part of the job admission can be messed up quite easily. We’ll try to help you ace the interview and land the job of your dreams.            

1. Honesty is your best bet

Don’t ever lie during your interview. Why? Because they will find out eventually. The HR department are also trained to recognize a lie and when they do realize that something is not right, they will start asking more questions to find out the truth. It was found that 66% of HR specialist will cross you out immediately if they spot you lying.

2. Turn off your phone

Turn off your phone before entering the interview room. You will be calmer and nothing will interrupt the process. The HR specialists are saying that the absolute worst thing you can do is pick the phone up or answer a text message. It shows a lack of respect and will lower your overall rating. If you turn off the sound and leave the vibrations on, you will still be judged pretty harshly, since it will still show that you haven’t thought about turning the phone off.

3. Lose your arrogant side

You should know that 59% of HR specialist say that the fastest way to get crossed out is to come off as arrogant. Yes, you should be able to describe yourself and sell your positive attributes, but you should also remain objective with a subtle hint of humility. We know that the border between self-confidence and arrogance is pretty thin, but keep it in mind. You will get awarded additional points for thanking the interviewer for their time.

4. Mind your appearance

We know that the way you dress is a very important factor in an interview, so always be mindful of that. If you dress too casually or too lightly (showing too much), it could mean losing the job offer. Don’t overdo it by dressing in a Victorian robe, but also don’t come knocking at the door wearing a T-shirt. We recommend you to find out from a friend what the employees of the company normally wear and to dress accordingly.

5. Don’t blame others for your mistakes

Your colleagues are not the cause for your failures, your boss who always plays golf is not the cause for your dissatisfaction. Nobody cares. Sometimes, the HR specialists will ask you what was the cause of your failures in your past job. If you blame others for your mistakes it will mean that you don’t take accountability for your actions. You also show your infantile attitude and the fact that you won’t be a great team player. This attribute is crucial. Don’t worry about admitting past mistakes! This is the most valuable tip we can give you.

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